We had a big scare yesterday. My Mom called me around noon and could hardly talk. She had a pain in her side around the liver and was shaking with violent chills. I asked her if she could contact her nurse that is in charge of her with the home-care (note to self: save nurse's # in my phone...) My Mom couldn't even get off the couch to get the number (note to self: save nurse's # in my Mom's phone...) She's had similar shaking chills before and I know how much effort it takes to even try to relax and calm her body down. I hurried up and got in the car and called some amazing friends on the way. Maud and Anders who contacted the home-care and got a nurse on the way and Cilla, my Mom's neighbor who left work to go and sit with my Mom until the nurse and I showed up. You may think it's a small gesture but it means the world to me when in that moment I felt totally helpless.
I drove by the kids' schools and pulled them out of their class rooms. (Come to think of it - I haven't even told the teachers why...) The drive to my Mom couldn't have felt longer... We keep saying "we're only a half hour away" - well yesterday there was nothing ONLY about that, with other drivers and fresh snow on the roads...
When we got to the house my Mom was doing a lot better. The nurse had been there to check her vitals and they had decided that she should go in to the hospital for a more thorough exam. The kids and I drove her to the city and that's all we know for now. She was supposed to have an x-ray scheduled anyway, so I suppose that will happen as soon as possible.
Of course, as my Mom started feeling better she quickly got back into her own self - calling her cousin about delivery of a wood stove for her living room... - arranging for pick-ups of MY KIDS on Thursday when I'm supposed to be at a seminar... - calling me to confirm that I will contact the Vet for her dog... She never stops - And thank God for that!
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SvaraRaderaJätte glad att min systeryster är på gång igen.Tänker på er
SvaraRaderavarje dag,har försökt kommentera förut,men min dator är så seg .Hoppas att röntgen och behandling kan fortsätta som vanligt.Jag om någon vet vad ni går igenom.Hög svansföring
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