måndag 29 oktober 2012

The power of classical music

5:45 and my Mom wanted a popcicle (isglass).  I am now awake with a cup of tea while my Mom and Grandma are sleeping to the tunes of Mozart as the sun is rising over Lake Näkten.

When I first came to the States as an exchange student in ´94 I had a few host families, but in the end ended up living with my English teacher, Laura.  When my Mom came to visit for Christmas my second year there we went and spent a few days with Laura in her beautiful house in Chautauqua, NY.  My Mom and Laura really clicked and Laura´s love for classical music left an imprint on my Mom.  The classical music would always play at near MAX volume in her houses and it was almost impossible not to be moved by the music - especially when your ribcage is vibrating from the volume! Hahaha
When my Mom found this gem of a house - or her place on earth, as she calls it - one of the most important things was that she needed a CD player and some classical music CD´s.  "I´m going to play my music just like Laura" she´s said.  Well, this morning Mozart is being played very softly, but it is just as moving...

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