söndag 27 januari 2013

What happens now???

Soooo.... Christmas, New Year's and my 40th birthday have passed - and obviously it hasn't been that easy moving on...

Right after New Years I got some very recognizable symptoms of gastritis (magkatarr) that I've been dealing with for a few weeks.  Being a typical ailment of stress, for some strange reason it took me by surprise!  I didn't feel stressed at all and felt like I've dealt with my Mother's passing with such calm and acceptance.  Well as a dear friend pointed out - OBVIOUSLY there's been some major internal stress and like my grandmother says - it needs to exit the body somehow...  I saw a picture that a friend of mine posted on Facebook and it felt very familiar... ;)

I have been receiving a lot of encouraging words from friends and family the past few months and I truly appreciate all your support.  A message that I received yesterday from a friend in California reflects what a lot of you have been saying and it really warms my heart...

When she wrote, it was just after your mothers passing. I wanted to tell you that I rarely go on Facebook and I found myself going on daily to read your blog. You are very genuine and talented writer. Through your heartache you really touched a lot of people including myself. I hope you are continuing to use this gift!! 

I know a lot of you also are wondering what is happening with us from now on.  All of a sudden we're in a frozen spot in Sweden just a couple of hours from the northern polar circle - thanks a lot for that curve ball!!!  Haha, no actually we are enjoying an amazingly beautiful, white winter filled with skiing and skating.  We are in the process of moving in to a little house that is so much more our style than apartment living and depending on the work situation and the ability to create a life here, we are hoping to stay for awhile.  So, to anybody in Östersund in the need for an energetic / motivating Personal Trainer ;)  OR need an international flair to your company by a successful company-builder / entrepreneur and well liked team-leader!  We're here for you! :D

Now... another cup of morning tea and off to the local ski slopes!!!
I'll leave you with some winter pictures...
Love the rainbow shooting up from the ice on the right...

Entering the bridge from the city of Östersund to the island of Frösön
Love all the white trees!

Picking up kids from school while after school care are getting
ready for some serious playing!
While the kids are at school...
... the parents play!!!  :)
(Our local slope on Frösön with the city in the background)
Beautiful view of the frozen lake at my Mom's
First time playing on that ice...


Extreme Snow Racing!!! :)

The road we always choose to take to Oliver's
preschool because it's so pretty!  ...it's about the simple things in life!
... and my favorite!
Skyler skiing over to her friends house to play!!! :)


2 kommentarer:

  1. Åhh vilka underbara bilder.
    Ta väl hand om dig.


  2. Ni är fantastiska som anpassar er så bra. Det krävs ett mycket "openminded way to bee för att klara det. Och ungarna verkar inte fundera en sekund över skillnaderna på livet nu och då. ( säger jag efter att bara läst din blogg... )
