måndag 26 november 2012

A joyous funeral - is that possible?

Monday morning and another BIG milepost has passed...
On Friday we had the funeral services for my Mother and it went way better for me than I had expected.  I was prepared for the fact that this might be the day when I really get to cry and let all my feelings out - and it didn't worry me the least.
My cousin, Petra picked me up a few hours before the service so I would have some time at the church beforehand.
It was, of course, initially hard to see the casket at the front of the church.  But then, walking around and reading the nice notes on the flowers that friends and family have sent, lighting a candle for my Mom and just seeing how everything is slowly turning into a really beautiful setting for a last goodbye really strengthened me.

The church ended up full and knowing my Mother's past, my second-cousin Lena said "Leave it to Monica to draw a full house on her last performance..." ;)  -So true.
The funeral turned out really amazing!  The minister was light-hearted and like one of the family.  A friend of my Mother's (that my Mom actually had requested) sang some beautiful songs and there was so much love and warmth and true appreciation for my Mother's life that the strongest feeling I felt that day was PRIDE.  I am so proud of the life that my Mother has lived - so proud of the way she has touched other people's hearts - and most of all so, so, so proud to be able to call her my "Mamma"!

Following the service we (150 people) gathered next door to the church for a nice soup luncheon with fantastic bread - just like my Mother would have served it.  People were sharing stories and happy memories all accompanied by some nice jazz music by my Mother's friends.  (Caterer and music were also requested by my Mom.)  I think my cousin Magnus nailed it when he at the end of the day said "I've never seen people leave a funeral with big smiles on their faces before!"  Now, that is a true celebration of somebody's life!

I want to thank everyone that came and truly made this day into such a special day and an equally big thank you to everyone that have donated money to cancer research, Bassestiftelsen or other funds that are close to your heart.  I know that your generosity will make a great difference in other people's lives!

Much love!

1 kommentar:

  1. Tack Erika ...
    ... för en oförglömlig högtidsstund i Marieby kyrka. En fullsatt kyrka.
    Man brukar ju säga att en kär vän/anhörig lämnar ett tomrum efter sig när de går bort. Monika lämnar inget tomrum - hon lämnar ett rum fullt av minnen. Roliga såväl som allvarsamma. Förtroenden.
    Det mest utpräglade karaktärsdraget hos Monika är hennes absoluta lojalitet med sin familj och sina vänner. Alltid beredd att "ställa upp" hur upptagen hon än var. Kreativ. En tusenkonstnär.
    Monika lämnar inte ett tomt rum efter sig - men hon saknas mig.

    Finns här alltid för dig och din familj Erika.

